Friday, July 6, 2012

Student Course Planning Form

This form(attached in the Welcome email, also available here) needs to be filled and signed by you and your advisor, me, before you can register.

This form helps you to plan your course ahead so that you get to take all the required courses as well as electives that interest you by the time you graduate. (Although all the required courses are offered each semester, the electives may only be offered once a year or every two years.)

You may not know exactly what you want to take when you just started, but please try your best to fill out as much information as possible and we can always discuss course enrollment before each semester. NOTE: please be accurate for the first semester since Will will register for your first semester and he will reply on this form.

Here are some resources that will help you fill out the form:
* a list of SLIS courses and their descriptions/syllabus:
* a list of courses offered in the coming semester:
* the SLIS curriculum track (Sent to you in email and also available here)
* Beware of courses with pre-requisites! If you want to take a course with a pre-req, The following fall electives have pre-requisites: 630, 638, 655 & 668.

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